Training in classroom P4wC practice in Argentina

Training in classroom P4wC practice in Argentina

Learning the basics of facilitation for ages 3 to 18.

Learn about the FILOSOFÍA 3/18 approach to Philosophy for/with Children! Filosofía 3/18 (ages three to 18) is a systematic and innovative pedagogical proposal that aims to develop critical, creative and caring thinking, based on philosophy as a fundamental discipline. It is inspired by the international Philosophy for/with Children project created in the late 1960s. The course offers an approach to the materials and tools of the project to teachers and education professionals who want to bring philosophy to their classrooms. It is an initiation course aimed at educators and does not require prior knowledge. It is taught by Victoria Maclean and certified by Espacio FpN and GrupIREF.

The course will be taught in Spanish and will take place from August 18 to 25, 8am to 4pm in Ciudad de Cipolletti, Río Negro, Argentina, 8324.

For more information and to register, please visit the course website.


FILOSOFÍA 3/18 (Filosofía para Niñxs) es una propuesta pedagógica sistemática e innovadora que tiene como objetivo desarrollar el pensamiento crítico, creativo y cuidadoso, partiendo de la filosofía como disciplina fundamental. Tiene su referente en el proyecto internacional Philosophy for Children, creado a fines de los años 60. El curso ofrece un acercamiento a los materiales y herramientas del proyecto a docentes y profesionales de la educación que quieran llevar la filosofía a sus aulas. Es un curso de iniciación dirigido a educadores y no exige conocimientos previos. Lo dicta Victoria Maclean y certifican Espacio FpN y GrupIREF.